That Zen Feeling


You may not know this about me, but I have a really short fuse.


My kids have tested my patience over the years and turned me into a better person, with more respect for others and myself - and I certainly like myself much more when I'm calm.


That doesn't mean I don't fantasize about totally losing my shit and with a little inspiration from O Magazine - my favourite, because it's always so zen - I made a list of how I would love to react if I didn't hold myself accountable for practising what I preach...


The article in O Magazine is about workplace well-being, but I think it's universally applicable. We all could use more zen in our daily lives, not just at work - right?


Here's how I used the advice Buddhist Monk Pamela Weiss gives in the article as inspiration to create my own little "outlet"...


According to O Magazine

Auer Outlet Style

About finding your footing when overwhelmed: 


Press your feet against the floor, which will bring a sense of balance 


Where I would like to put my foot when overwhelmed:


Firmly planted on someone's ass, which will bring me a sense of balance.

About becoming a beginner:


Ask questions instead of arguing and uncover new ways to seeing to get past roadblocks.


About where to begin:


Start by asking if they had a bowl of stupid for breakfast. Another good starter is something along the lines of: "Have you lost your f%@#$ mind?"

About naming your mood:


put your feelings in perspective by writing down one word that summarizes your state of mind each hour. Review your list at the end of the day and realize that no feeling lasts forever.


About my mood:


I like to carry this sign, where I summarized my state of mind every. damn. hour. that. day. 

I can last like what seems forever.

About letting go:


Imagine a box, put your issues inside and watch them float away in the box.


About finishing it off:


With a whole quart of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey, of course.


Whenever I have one of "those" moments I look at my two lists and I think about putting Auer Outlet into action. Of course I always do what Oprah would do, 'cause I'm totally zen 'n shit. Ahem.


How do you blow off steam?