A virus, the orthodontist & a doggy door


After months of telling you how awesome it is to be a freelancer and how I'm living the dream and loving every minute of it I finally had a stressful day.

Thank god, I was getting sick of all that positivity! It almost seemed like our immigration to Canada all over again - people back home kept asking for years if anything went wrong yet and it seems like they were disappointed that it didn't. Thank god my husband hurt himself at work after three years here and people at home were finally able to say "I told you so". Phew.

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Talking Teenager


My oldest is 16. He's a pretty cool kid teenager. Sometimes he even wants to hang out with me and since I sit around and waste my time on Social Media all day work for myself as a freelance writer and consultant now, I can just spend the afternoon lounging while he talks teenager to me - and I couldn't love it more if I tried.

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Fancy Friendship


"I went to a Fire Department event last night and the speaker was just amazing. Her name is Heidi Cave."


That's how I first heard about Heidi several years ago, when my friend Shelley told me about the speech she had given. Shelley was so in awe and inspired by this woman that I just had to go and check her out myself.


I found her blog and started reading, followed her on Twitter and eventually friended her on Facebook. Heidi is the kind of writer whose writing makes your heart beat just a little faster; you move just a little closer to the computer screen and you lean in and drink up every word.

Yes, she has an amazing story of survival and challenge, but she is so much more than that. She is a mother, a wife, a writer, a speaker and just about one of the nicest people you'll meet.


I know that because I met her.

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