5 signs you need a break


Do you ever feel like you just need to get away? At least for a few minutes of peace and quiet, otherwise you're totally going to lose your shit? No? Then you definitely don't have children. 


No matter how big or small the kids are, there comes a time in every mother's life when she just needs a break. Today I bestow some of my wisdom upon you and present you with 5 tell-tale signs that it's time for a break.


The non-cooperating child. They come in all age groups... This one is 16 now and doesn't fit under the clothes rack anymore.
The non-cooperating child. They come in all age groups... This one is 16 now and doesn't fit under the clothes rack anymore.


1. You google "boarding schools in the Yukon" and you don't even care if they have running water or electricity. Northwest Territories will do as well.


2. You say to your 12-year-old: "Sure, you can watch CSI/Dexter/The Shining..." 


3. You are adamant that KD contains all the nurtrion a child needs and it's even good for them if they make it themselves. One can never learn how to make KD too soon and after all they will get a home-cooked meal on the weekend - when your partner is home to cook it.


4. You mentally re-write the lyrics to your favourite Christmas songs and they all contain the words "cocktail", "spa", "ocean" and "alone".


5. You convince your doctor to give you a written notice, confirming you suffer from acousticophobia and need absolute quiet in a plush hotel bed (I once tried to claim I had pentheraphobia, but it didn't work; my mother-in-law came to visit anyway. That's why it's important to get a doctor's note.)


If you experience any of these symptoms it's time to do something nice for yourself. Something that makes you happy and brings you joy. No, it's not called being selfish - it's called taking care of yourself (let me know if you need a doctor's note - I can hook you up!).