The Mind of a Freelancer

I may have mentioned that I work for myself as a freelancer once or twice (or 89 times) before. The tagline for my business is "living my dream, working on yours" - and that's really exactly how it's been for me. 

The working-on-yours-part of my business is consulting small businesses on marketing strategies as well as creating content for their websites and social media networks; the living-my-dream-part is mostly writing. I'm getting ready to revise one of the books I wrote for a second edition and I have some great story ideas I'm pitching to different magazines.


Where am I going with this? Right, inside my mind. Since I constantly think about story ideas and how to exploit my family's cuteness on social media, my mind goes at 180km/h all. the. time. And sometimes I get distracted. I get so caught up in my thoughts and where they are going that I don't even know what I was thinking of to begin with. 


Like when I go to brush my teeth in the morning...



...and I realize we are out of toothpaste. I wish I could just hold that thought in my mind until I finish brushing, then write it down on my shopping list.


Instead it goes something like this:


"Mmmh, I should put a notepad into the bathroom. That would come in really handy. But what would be even better is a fully automated house, where I just have to talk out loud and my voice would be recorded and then sent as a voice-note to my phone. Wait, I wouldn't want everything I say to be recorded *shudders* - there would have to be some kind of a mechanism to activate the system. The system should also have a name. Something cooler than Siri. I'll have to make a note to think of a name. It should be voice-activated. But the voice-activation password has to be something that nobody else can pronounce. Yeah, I like that. Wait, once it's activated it also need to be shut off again. With another only-pronounceable-by-me word. Now we're talking.

I wonder if Stephen King could write a really cool novel about a voice-activated house that turns on her owner. He probably could and it would be too scary for me to read... Come to think of it, I don't want a fully automated house, just the recording and voice-note-sending option would be good. 

I will probably never finish reading Dr. Sleep, that beginning was already to creepy for me. A nasty ghost in the shower? *shudders, looks at the shower curtain. Calls dog*. OK, let's forget about anything automated that could develop a mind of its own. 

Come on, Jacob, let's go upstairs and get ready for a walk."


So - then I usually go upstairs and have forgotten about what I wanted to write down in the first place. I'm also still worried about the nasty ghost that's possibly in my shower, but I decide to trust that my dog would sense something like that. I go on with my day and when I brush my teeth before I go to bed I realize I'm still out of toothpaste - of course I'm not walking upstairs to write that down in the middle of the night... Repeat...


But you know what? Now that I wrote about it, I finally put the damn toothpast on my shopping list and I can stop using the Rockin' Mint toothpaste my kids didn't want (and which has been expired since October 2012. Ahem).



I'll leave the Rockin' Mint toothpase for the nasty ghost in the shower.