Last week, just before I finished up a huge project for a client, I was feeling particularly stressed. When my husband came home for lunch (lunch dates every day - I know, right?) it did not take a lot to set me off and it went something like this:
You know, it must be nice to be able to just go to work. This is what your day looks like: You get up in the morning, check your Facebook , get ready for work and then you leave. You come home for lunch, go back to work - while you're at work you just work - and when you're done you come home for dinner. That's pretty much it.
Want to know what my day looks like? Glad you asked - it goes something like this:
I get up, check Social Media (that's strictly business, you know. Ahem.), get ready, get the kids' school lunches ready, take the dog for a walk, run whatever errands need to be done, work, take the dog for another walk, work, start making dinner, work.... Catch the drift? I can never just sit down and work for the whole day - even though I have close to 8 hours' worth of work to do every day.
You know what my husband said?
He said: "Good for you! It's great that you have so much diversity in your day. That never gets boring, does it? You get exercise, get to spend time with the kids, relax with the dog and make money. Sounds pretty awesome to me."
As soon as I was done picking my jaw off the ground I though about it - he has a point (what? You didn't think I was gonna go as far as to say my husband is right, did you? SNORT).
I have this notion in my head that I should be able to work 9 - 5, just like my husband. Yet, I left my job to freelance because that's exactly what I didn't want. I want to be flexible and have it all - but in order to do that I will have to sit down at night and finish up my workload, since I took time for everything else during the day. Besides, I really enjoy working - or doing some research for the next project - a lot more than watching Pawn Stars or Yukon Men...
So for once I might just listen to my husband and embrace the awesome - but I reserve the right to whine, because sometimes that's awesome as well!