Two more days of school and two weeks of Spring Break are starting around here. Yes, you read right - TWO weeks. I don't know what the heck the school board was thinking when they came up with that, but I am convinced that the person responsible for the vacation schedule does not have children living at home...
Of course I shouldn't complain - but as you all know I do anyway - since my kids are teenagers and should therefore be sleeping all day, hanging with their buddies and locking themselves into their rooms the rest of the time. But alas, my children get up at 6 am (especially during Spring Break and the entire summer), their friends are always busy and their favourite room in the house is my office - but only while I'm trying to work there.
So rather than panicking like I normally do, I thought I'd try something different this year. I made a list of chores that includes spring cleaning the entire house, cleaning up the yard and starting a vegetable garden. Then there is another list with school chores. And yet another list that I asked the kids to write, filled with activities to do that don't require "electronics".
I ask that they do one thing off each of those lists per day, plus each of them has to take the dog for a walk every day - and after that it's a free-for-all (which means watching Netflix/Minecraft videos/TV etc. in this house).
While PJ decided to type his list into his iPhone, Marius sat down and wrote a good old-fashioned hand-written list:
And while he even included some school work on his list, my favourite is definitely #11. Luckily I have a whole bunch of paint left in the basement.
What's your Spring Break strategy?