I'm finishing up month 7 of my new experiences for 2014 and there are two things that stand out this month - another road trip and my boobs. My boobs don't stand out literally (sigh), but more about that in a bit. Let's start with the road trip.
It was the first mother-son road trip I've been on and you guessed it - I took my son. We went to Echo Valley for a few meetings, but I had plenty of time for taking walks, biking, swimming and all the other fun stuff people do with their kids. This included sharing a bed and it was an experience that made me realize something: the kid needs his own bed, even better his own room next time we go anywhere.
Anyway - I am happy to report that the trip went pretty smooth. There was no throwing up and only 537 are-we-there-yets, so I'm declaring it a success.
And that's all I have to say 'bout that.
Now back to my boobs. Just like me, they are 42 years old now and it was time for my first mammogram. Since I've made an effort to live healthier since the beginning of the year I sucked it up and made an appointment.
Not that I expected something to be wrong, but I have to admit I was a bit nervous.
I went there and it didn't hurt. The nurse said that on very rare occasions women get a call back and of those few that get called back, 95% are fine anyway.
Of course I got called back.
And that's why I want to tell you about this. As it turns out, quite a few women get called back after their first mammogram. Dense tissue and whatnot and no previous pictures to compare are a common reason for a doctor to want to take another look.
If I had known that before, I definitely would not have needed a pound of Lindor chocolates to calm myself down.
So - go get your mammogram and don't freak out if you get a call back after the first time. And whatever you do - don't ask Dr. Google. That's the advice I got after confiding in a few friends, who kept me sane. And I didn't, so I can't even tell you what you're missing if you don't google it, but I'm generally not a believer in googling anything medical.
And with that, I'm already at the end of my new experiences for this month - let's hope for a bit more excitement next month :)
And of course I want to know - what's new and exciting with you?