Imagine you had started a year-long project and committed to blogging about new experiences once a month - because it was your year of making new experiences and of course you needed to write about it. And then suppose that at the end of every month you realized that time flies and holy shit is it already time to write that round-up post again? Exactly that.
Good news! You're actually not the one who committed - I am! And holy shit, is it already the end of the month again and time for a round-up post? I guess it is, so here we go...
Anniversary, Romance, Home Schooling. That's pretty much what happened in September.
Fine, I'll give you a bit more detail :)
September started out with the first anniversary for freelancing. It's been a year since I took the leap and it's been a good year. Sometimes I still can't believe how good it's been.
I learned quite a few things during my first year in the freelancin' business, and I'll soon be sharing some of it right here.
Moving on - I didn't think the time would ever come, but then it did all of a sudden and it happened: Roland and I went camping for a whole weekend BY OURSELVES. No kids, no dog. It was pretty glorious, I have to say. Yay for living with teenagers!
Finally - the home schooling (because the romance part was the camping trip, in case you were wondering). We're a month into distance learning, and while the teacher strike has been resolved, we're definitely sticking with home schooling.
Mostly because I really don't have to do anything.
Because if it was up to me to do any more than checking every day to make sure they are on track and progressing at the pace we agreed on - this would not happen.
I guess I lucked out - they both don't need a lot of help from me, they are motivated enough not to slack off and they really appreciate doing school on their own schedule.
I really appreciate the schedule as well, because I basically got myself two maids for my weekly Friday morning house cleaning. Now all I have to clean anymore is my office and the kitchen and the kids do the rest.
I know - it's pretty awesome of me to prepare them like that for when they move out and have to clean their own place. Which is why I tell them "YOU'RE WELCOME" every single week.
So I guess I'll see you at the end of October for my monthly round-up post, when I'll be saying "holy shit, is it already the end of the month again?!?"
But first I want to know - what have you been up to? Everything going smooth?