It's my birthday! And I'm 43 years old today! So I want to tell you 7 random things about myself...
Why 7? Because: (43-7):3-4-1=7... I am 43 years old, take away 7 years of living in Canada, divide that by 3 for 3 years of blogging, take away 4 (one for each member of my family: husband, 2 kids and 1 dog) and finally take away one more because I don't like even numbers. Makes perfect sense, right? I know.
When I turned 41 I actually wrote 41 things about myself, but who can keep up with that? So here we go...
1. Due to current circumstances, I will start with this: when I'm sick, I'm sick like a man. I whine all the time. I use my man cold status to get out of doing dishes, walking the dog, leaving the house... Having a man cold is pretty glorious, you should try it sometime!
2. I'm a total chickenshit. I can't ready scary books or watch scary movies. And sometimes even movies that are rated PG13 qualify as scary in my book. I also don't like movies without a happy ending. A few weeks ago I watched 47 Ronin with my husband and I had high hopes until the very end - I'm still pissed that Keanu Reeves died.
3. I'm a total fashion disaster. "Stylish" or "well-dressed" are not words that anyone would use to describe me. I bought a pair of jeans last week and I'm pretty sure that was the only piece of clothing I bought this year. Meh. I just don't care - but I take a shower every day :)
4. I hate everything flavoured. I love plain things. No flavour in my coffee, please! I want stuff to taste like it would naturally taste and pumpkin-spiced-vanilla-sprinkle everything can suck it.
5. I dream of living like Grizzly Adams. Really. I used to watch that show all the time when I was a kid and while I probably would not keep a pet bear, I would love to just be off the grid, at least for a while (you know, like NOT in the winter ;) ).
6. I believe in Santa Claus.
7. I get motion-sick really easy. Especially in trains and busses, when I have to ride facing backwards. Or on boats. Or in backseats. Or in the front seat on a windy road.
When I was about 10 years old I got sick on a family trip and my mom made me take off my jeans, tied a knot into one leg and I puked into that. That's probably the reason I don't care about fashion...
Alright, that's it. Now tell me something about yourself!