I wonder...

I'm past week one of a self-imposed social media break and I might be going a bit insane. Funny, how the insanity of social media can keep us sane, eh?

It's actually not that bad - but I am noticing a few things. There is definitely a lot more time for me to do other stuff. I have been reading, writing, knitting... and done lots of thinking. Of course I can't stay off social media completely, because I manage several different FB/Twitter/Pinterest/G+ accounts for various clients, but my social media involvement has been limited to those accounts only... and taking a break hasn't been all that bad.

I'll go back to my old involvement soon enough - and I'm not expecting any revelations or aha-moments, and there is no dramatic reason behind taking a break. I just wanted to cut out a bit of the noise in my life and take this time to focus on where I want to take my business next - because I feel like I've lost that focus a bit and I'm not entirely happy with the course I've taken the last 6 months.

I'm also hoping to spark my creativity a bit, because I haven't felt all that inspired lately. Creativity, focus, inspiration, goals... all part of my current quest and I am happy to report that I am starting to feel a bit more like my silly self again :)

How do I know this?

I'm starting to take notes again about random thoughts I'm having and I am starting to develop stories around those thoughts, in my mind. 

Like: I wonder if the dog, after not having peed all night, needs to pee even more when he hears water running (because, yes, my dog goes into the bathroom with me in the morning and watches me brush my teeth)...

I also wonder why my daughter has a perfectly pristine house on The Sims and her real-life room looks like a battlefield.

Also: does anyone else think that mozzarella in my fridge looks like boobs?

I know, right?
I know, right?

I'm also noticing that my fridge looks cleaner in that picture than in real life - win!


Aaaaand - I finally finished the blanket I was knitting for my son. Yay!


So - that's where I'm at right now. How about you? I'd love to hear what's going on in your life and how you are holding up during the holiday season!