I'm so glad I don't have to do this anymore...

This morning, as I was browsing through my timeline on Facebook, I found myself thinking: "I'm so glad I don't have to do this anymore." and "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this anymore."

Earlier this week, I read my friend Alison's post about being cool with transitions. She talks about celebrating her kids' milestones and abilities as they grow older, and I found myself nodding along, thinking that I would never want my kids to be little again (shudder). 


My mom always said "small kids - small problems, big kids - big problems" and that used to make me shudder as well. Now? Not so much. Sure, the problems change over time - but guess what: now that my kids have bigger problems, they are old enough to either deal with those problems themselves, or at least be actively involved in the solution. And I am absolutely cool with that.

Just the thought of having to make something out of 100 things for the 100th day of school makes me a little nauseous.

The thought of having to coordinate some kind of Valentine's Day thing in form of a craft or baked goods makes me anxious.

Birthday parties with 15 little kids, having to entertain and wipe noses? Pass me the vodka!

Having to deal with whether to vaccinate or not after the latest measles outbreak? I'm so glad anti-vaccers did not have the power of social media to attack others when my kids were little. 

My daughter bought this for me today. The biggest problem I have right now is whether to eat it all at once or not.
My daughter bought this for me today. The biggest problem I have right now is whether to eat it all at once or not.

All in all, it really amazes me how nasty parents of small children can be to each other. Seriously, why? Is it because they're so insecure about whether they are doing the right thing with their kids, that they have to put others down? Do they feel entitled because they are "educated" (thank you, social media) and feel the urge to convince others? I have no idea, but I am so glad I don't have to deal with this anymore. 


Now excuse me, while I go and deal with my chocolate bar ;)