Third post this week, because I have a lot to say


In case you missed my first two posts - I already wrote about how to make a kick-ass German Apfelstrudel this week and I've shared some of my parenting secrets in Auer Parenting 101.


I don't really have anything substantial to say now, but I need to share some of the things that have been going on this week - I'm home by myself all day, mkay? And even though my dog is a good listener, he does not get quite as excited as I'd like him to.


So here we go:

On Sunday I had the opportunity to go to a movie screening. Last year a film team from Switzerland came and filmed a movie in Merritt and the Nicola Valley, using all local people from the Lower Nicola Indian Band. The only professional actor was a wolf - the wolf from Twilight actually - and he was apparently a real diva.

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Auer Parenting 101


I have no idea what my parenting style is. I don't even know the definitions of alltheparentingstyles, like Dolphin Dad and Tiger Mom, Helicopter parent and what not. All I know is that I try to do my best, every day.


I want my kids to become respectful, kind adults who have the coping skills to deal with all the highs and lows life has to offer.


This is what I teach them:


Always question authority. This is one of the most important and valuable things I learned in college. Questioning authority does not mean being disrespectful. It means holding elected officials, experts, doctors, lawyers and teachers accountable. A person of authority in a child's life - like a teacher or a doctor - sometimes seems to have an aura of "untouchable" about them. I encourage my children to ask questions and insist on answers. And yes, questioning authority does include questioning my parenting. I have bad days and need to be reminded that I am not an absolute ruler of my children, but rather someone who helps them to be the best they can be.

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How about a slice of German Apfelstrudel? Yes? Then make your own! I'll show you how, mkay?


For the dough you need:


1/2 pound of flour

1 pinch of salt

1 egg

1/2 cup warm milk

2 tbsp. oil

1tsp. sugar

put it all in a mixing bowl and start kneading...

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High Note


You know what I love?


When things end on a high note.


I love it when that last bite of bacon is just the absolute best. I love it when after an already good day my husband comes home early from work and makes dinner. I love it when something I wrote that I'm proud of gets a comment by someone new to my blog.


Sometimes things go really well and then something happens that makes it even better - ya know?


We just had a weekend like that.


After my last day at work, where my coworkers gave me flowers, candy and cards and my boss' wife threw a lunch party for me, we took off to one of my favourite places ever - the Echo Valley Ranch.


We ate lots of delicious food...

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